A cluster randomized trial assessing the effect of a digital health algorithm on quality of care in Tanzania (DYNAMIC study)

Type Journal Article - PLOS Digital Health
Title A cluster randomized trial assessing the effect of a digital health algorithm on quality of care in Tanzania (DYNAMIC study)
Volume 3
Issue 12
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2024
Publisher Public Library of Science
URL https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pdig.0000694
Author summary Digital health tools have been created to help healthcare workers provide better care, but their real-world impact is still uncertain. This study evaluated the use of ePOCT+, a digital health clinical decision support algorithm for health providers, combined with point-of-care diagnostic tools (CRP tests, pulse oximetry), training, and mentorship. The study compared 9 primary care health facilities using ePOCT+ with 9 facilities providing care as usual. The study found that using the digital health intervention improved the assessment of important symptoms and signs in children aged 2 to 59 months with acute illnesses. However, many symptoms and signs were still not frequently assessed. In addition, antibiotic prescriptions were halved in facilities using the tool, and the appropriateness of prescriptions improved significantly. Despite these benefits, challenges related to healthcare workers’ motivation and work environments must be explored to fully realize the potential of such tools. These findings suggest that digital health tools can improve the quality of care and address issues like overprescription of antibiotics. However, broader strategies are needed to support healthcare workers in delivering comprehensive, high-quality care in similar settings globally.