Switzerland |
SCOHPICA - Swiss Cohort of Healthcare Professionals and Informal Caregivers : healthcare professionals part
2022 |
04.03.2025 |
14.03.2025 |
Tanzania |
Dynamic electronic decision trees to manage sick children in Tanzania - Phase 1 cRCT data
2021 |
04.03.2025 |
14.03.2025 |
Switzerland |
Managing minor ailments and pharmacy services: how do people make their decisions?
2023 |
04.02.2025 |
04.02.2025 |
Switzerland |
The Swiss Cancer Patient Experiences-CH (SCAPE-CH) survey
2023 |
15.01.2025 |
15.01.2025 |
Rwanda |
Identifying Clinical Skill Gaps of Healthcare Workers Using a Decision Support Algorithm in Rwanda
2021 |
23.12.2024 |
14.01.2025 |
Switzerland |
A gold nanoparticle/peptide vaccine designed to induce SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8 T cells: a double-blind, randomized, phase 1 study in Switzerland
2021 |
03.10.2024 |
03.10.2024 |
Suisse |
Global Warming Potential of different types of diagnostic tests at different phases of the COVID pandemic
2022 |
11.09.2024 |
11.09.2024 |
Switzerland |
Les collections physiques de la Bibliothèque d'Unisanté : évaluation des documents et critères de désherbage en vue d'un déménagement
2024 |
11.09.2024 |
11.09.2024 |
Switzerland |
Bus-Exposure Matrix
2021 |
22.07.2024 |
25.07.2024 |
Switzerland |
ReMeHealP: REsearcher MEntal health Promotion
2022 |
19.06.2024 |
24.07.2024 |
Switzerland |
Swiss bus fleet inventory from 1940s through 2022 to track technological innovations and their impacts
2021 |
20.03.2024 |
20.03.2024 |
Switzerland |
Acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of antimicrobial stewardship interventions among Swiss primary care physicians, a national, cross-sectional survey
2023 |
18.03.2024 |
18.03.2024 |
Switzerland, France |
Association between long-term occupational exposure to PM10 and allergic diseases in subway workers
2004 |
04.03.2024 |
04.03.2024 |
Switzerland |
A pharmacist-led interprofessional medication adherence program improved adherence to oral anticancer therapies: The OpTAT randomized controlled trial
2015 |
04.03.2024 |
04.03.2024 |
Switzerland |
PREGNANT WORKERS: Evolution of practices, evaluation of a specialised consultation and economic assessment of the application of protection, OProMa CPSLA
2015 |
05.02.2024 |
05.02.2024 |
Switzerland |
A Phase I, double-blind, randomized, vehicle-controlled, dose-finding, safety study of a synthetic nanoparticle-based, T cell priming peptide vaccine against Dengue virus in healthy adults in Switzerland
2021 |
13.12.2023 |
13.12.2023 |
Switzerland |
Swiss Health Professionals’ activities for Managing Occupational Burnout in their Patients: Results from a nationwide cross-sectional study, STOBS-VD survey
2021 |
27.07.2023 |
07.08.2023 |
Switzerland |
Non-consumption of alcohol: the adolescents’ point of view, Qualitative data
2022 |
29.06.2023 |
29.06.2023 |
Switzerland |
Alcohol use and misuse among young people: what about abstainers? An exploratory mixed-methods study
2000 |
28.06.2023 |
28.06.2023 |
Switzerland |
The Swiss Cancer Patient Experiences-2 (SCAPE-2) study, A multicenter cross-sectional survey of patient experiences with cancer care in the French- and German-speaking regions of Switzerland
2021 |
16.02.2023 |
02.03.2023 |
Switzerland, Belgium |
Bayesian latent class modelling to examine the diagnostic accuracy of the first hetero-assessment instrument for occupational burnout
2010 |
02.02.2023 |
06.02.2023 |
Switzerland |
Assessing the efficacy and impact of a personalised smoking cessation intervention among type 2 diabetic smokers: an open label randomised controlled trial, DISCGo-RCT
2017 |
01.09.2022 |
19.04.2023 |
Switzerland |
Swiss Health Study – pilot phase (SHeS-pilot)
2020 |
19.07.2022 |
19.07.2022 |
Switzerland |
TREXMO, Suva dataset
2008 |
23.05.2022 |
23.05.2022 |
Switzerland, Italy, Spain |
NanoExplore – A pilot study to demonstrate the feasibility of a harmonized approach and validate a choice of biomarkers for exposure and health effects monitoring of nanomaterials in workplaces and urban areas.
2020 |
08.03.2022 |
03.05.2022 |
Switzerland |
Adolescent·e·s, Internet et médias numériques
2019 |
07.02.2022 |
07.02.2022 |
Switzerland |
Infection prevention and control measures implemented in Sentinella practices in 2019 and 2021
2019 |
02.02.2022 |
07.03.2022 |
France, Switzerland |
Real-time comparison of four particulate matter size fractions in personal breathing zone of Paris subway workers: A six-week prospective study
2019 |
11.01.2022 |
19.04.2022 |
Switzerland |
Sexual health and behavior of young people in Switzerland
2017 |
03.11.2021 |
03.11.2021 |
France |
Application of the Bayesian spline method to analyze the real-time measurements of ultrafine particle concentration in Parisian subway
2019 |
19.04.2021 |
09.08.2021 |
Switzerland |
Vertebral fractures after Denosumab discontinuation, A retrospective study of 797 cases
2019 |
16.12.2020 |
04.01.2021 |
Switzerland |
Standardised brief geriatric evaluation versus routine care for preventing functional decline in general practice: a pragmatic cluster-randomised trial, AGE3
2016 |
04.11.2020 |
05.08.2021 |
Switzerland |
Harmonized definition of occupational burnout. A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries
2018 |
06.10.2020 |
06.10.2020 |
Switzerland |
Detection and treatment of burnout by physicians of Unisanté
2019 |
19.08.2020 |
07.03.2022 |
Switzerland |
Identification of diabetes self-management profiles in adults: a cluster analysis with selected self-reported outcomes
2014 |
05.05.2020 |
06.05.2020 |
Switzerland |
Swiss Cancer Patient Experiences (SCAPE) study, A multicenter cross-sectional survey of patient experiences with cancer care in the French-speaking part of Switzerland
2018 |
28.04.2020 |
29.04.2020 |
Switzerland |
Baseline values, between and within subject variability of non-invasive biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress
2019 |
18.07.2019 |
22.07.2019 |
Switzerland |
CoDiab-VD: Cohort of Patients with Diabetes in the Canton of Vaud (Switzerland)
2011 |
15.07.2019 |
17.07.2019 |
Switzerland |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Future Alcohol Outcomes: Examining the Roles of Coping and Enhancement Drinking Motives among Young Men
2010 |
24.04.2019 |
24.04.2019 |
Switzerland |
Programme cantonal de prévention des maladies transmissibles (PPMTMS) : Monitoring de la remise de matériel de consommation dans le canton de Vaud
2004 |
15.11.2018 |
28.05.2019 |
Switzerland |
PREP 2017, Etat des lieux sur la prescription de PrEP auprès d’un échantillon de médecins en Suisse
2017 |
11.10.2018 |
11.10.2018 |
Switzerland |
Enquête nationale sur la remise de matériel d’injection stérile par les pharmacies en 2016.
2016 |
11.10.2018 |
11.10.2018 |
Switzerland |
ANSWER 2013-2014, Enquête nationale sur les comportements face au VIH/IST parmi les migrants originaires d'Afrique subsaharienne en Suisse.
2013 |
11.09.2018 |
11.09.2018 |
Switzerland |
SWAN : Sex Workers ANswers, Les comportements face au VIH et autres IST des travailleuses et travailleurs du sexe en Suisse. Enquête SWAN 2016.
2015 |
29.08.2018 |
29.08.2018 |
Switzerland |
Gaysurvey 2007, Les comportements face au VIH/sida des hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes: résultats de Gaysurvey 2007
2008 |
29.08.2018 |
29.08.2018 |
Switzerland |
Gaysurvey 2009, Les comportements face au VIH/sida des hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes: résultats de Gaysurvey 2009
2009 |
29.08.2018 |
29.08.2018 |
Switzerland |
Gaysurvey 2012, Les comportements face au VIH/sida des hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes: enquête Gaysurvey 2012.
2012 |
29.08.2018 |
29.08.2018 |
Switzerland, Italy, United Kingdom, Croatia |
GWAS summary statistics associated to the article "Genome-wide meta-analysis unravels novel interactions between magnesium homeostasis and metabolic phenotypes", published in JASN, 2017
2012 |
12.07.2017 |
12.07.2017 |
Switzerland |
Effects of the 2015 « Break the chains » campaign on the gay community and on the MSM individuals - Post-campaign survey"
2015 |
07.07.2017 |
07.07.2017 |
Switzerland |
Gaysurvey 2014, Enquête nationale sur les comportements et les attitudes face au VIH et aux autres infections sexuellement transmissibles des hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes
2014 |
24.10.2016 |
24.10.2016 |
Switzerland |
Randomized controlled trial of an internet-based brief intervention targeting alcohol use: Primary and secondary prevention for young men in a general population sample
2012 |
21.10.2015 |
09.04.2020 |