Catalog History

Country Title Year Created Modified
Switzerland A gold nanoparticle/peptide vaccine designed to induce SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8 T cells: a double-blind, randomized, phase 1 study in Switzerland 2021 03.10.2024 03.10.2024
Suisse Global Warming Potential of different types of diagnostic tests at different phases of the COVID pandemic 2022 11.09.2024 11.09.2024
Switzerland Les collections physiques de la Bibliothèque d'Unisanté : évaluation des documents et critères de désherbage en vue d'un déménagement 2024 11.09.2024 11.09.2024
Switzerland Bus-Exposure Matrix 2021 22.07.2024 25.07.2024
Switzerland ReMeHealP: REsearcher MEntal health Promotion 2022 19.06.2024 24.07.2024
Switzerland Swiss bus fleet inventory from 1940s through 2022 to track technological innovations and their impacts 2021 20.03.2024 20.03.2024
Switzerland Acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of antimicrobial stewardship interventions among Swiss primary care physicians, a national, cross-sectional survey 2023 18.03.2024 18.03.2024
Switzerland, France Association between long-term occupational exposure to PM10 and allergic diseases in subway workers 2004 04.03.2024 04.03.2024
Switzerland A pharmacist-led interprofessional medication adherence program improved adherence to oral anticancer therapies: The OpTAT randomized controlled trial 2015 04.03.2024 04.03.2024
Switzerland PREGNANT WORKERS: Evolution of practices, evaluation of a specialised consultation and economic assessment of the application of protection, OProMa CPSLA 2015 05.02.2024 05.02.2024
Switzerland A Phase I, double-blind, randomized, vehicle-controlled, dose-finding, safety study of a synthetic nanoparticle-based, T cell priming peptide vaccine against Dengue virus in healthy adults in Switzerland 2021 13.12.2023 13.12.2023
Switzerland Swiss Health Professionals’ activities for Managing Occupational Burnout in their Patients: Results from a nationwide cross-sectional study, STOBS-VD survey 2021 27.07.2023 07.08.2023
Switzerland Non-consumption of alcohol: the adolescents’ point of view, Qualitative data 2022 29.06.2023 29.06.2023
Switzerland Alcohol use and misuse among young people: what about abstainers? An exploratory mixed-methods study 2000 28.06.2023 28.06.2023
Switzerland The Swiss Cancer Patient Experiences-2 (SCAPE-2) study, A multicenter cross-sectional survey of patient experiences with cancer care in the French- and German-speaking regions of Switzerland 2021 16.02.2023 02.03.2023
Switzerland, Belgium Bayesian latent class modelling to examine the diagnostic accuracy of the first hetero-assessment instrument for occupational burnout 2010 02.02.2023 06.02.2023
Switzerland Assessing the efficacy and impact of a personalised smoking cessation intervention among type 2 diabetic smokers: an open label randomised controlled trial, DISCGo-RCT 2017 01.09.2022 19.04.2023
Switzerland Swiss Health Study – pilot phase (SHeS-pilot) 2020 19.07.2022 19.07.2022
Switzerland TREXMO, Suva dataset 2008 23.05.2022 23.05.2022
Switzerland, Italy, Spain NanoExplore – A pilot study to demonstrate the feasibility of a harmonized approach and validate a choice of biomarkers for exposure and health effects monitoring of nanomaterials in workplaces and urban areas. 2020 08.03.2022 03.05.2022
Switzerland Adolescent·e·s, Internet et médias numériques 2019 07.02.2022 07.02.2022
Switzerland Infection prevention and control measures implemented in Sentinella practices in 2019 and 2021 2019 02.02.2022 07.03.2022
France, Switzerland Real-time comparison of four particulate matter size fractions in personal breathing zone of Paris subway workers: A six-week prospective study 2019 11.01.2022 19.04.2022
Switzerland Sexual health and behavior of young people in Switzerland 2017 03.11.2021 03.11.2021
France Application of the Bayesian spline method to analyze the real-time measurements of ultrafine particle concentration in Parisian subway 2019 19.04.2021 09.08.2021
Switzerland Vertebral fractures after Denosumab discontinuation, A retrospective study of 797 cases 2019 16.12.2020 04.01.2021
Switzerland Standardised brief geriatric evaluation versus routine care for preventing functional decline in general practice: a pragmatic cluster-randomised trial, AGE3 2016 04.11.2020 05.08.2021
Switzerland Harmonized definition of occupational burnout. A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries 2018 06.10.2020 06.10.2020
Switzerland Detection and treatment of burnout by physicians of Unisanté 2019 19.08.2020 07.03.2022
Switzerland Identification of diabetes self-management profiles in adults: a cluster analysis with selected self-reported outcomes 2014 05.05.2020 06.05.2020
Switzerland Swiss Cancer Patient Experiences (SCAPE) study, A multicenter cross-sectional survey of patient experiences with cancer care in the French-speaking part of Switzerland 2018 28.04.2020 29.04.2020
Switzerland Baseline values, between and within subject variability of non-invasive biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress 2019 18.07.2019 22.07.2019
Switzerland CoDiab-VD: Cohort of Patients with Diabetes in the Canton of Vaud (Switzerland) 2011 15.07.2019 17.07.2019
Switzerland Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Future Alcohol Outcomes: Examining the Roles of Coping and Enhancement Drinking Motives among Young Men 2010 24.04.2019 24.04.2019
Switzerland Programme cantonal de prévention des maladies transmissibles (PPMTMS) : Monitoring de la remise de matériel de consommation dans le canton de Vaud 2004 15.11.2018 28.05.2019
Switzerland PREP 2017, Etat des lieux sur la prescription de PrEP auprès d’un échantillon de médecins en Suisse 2017 11.10.2018 11.10.2018
Switzerland Enquête nationale sur la remise de matériel d’injection stérile par les pharmacies en 2016. 2016 11.10.2018 11.10.2018
Switzerland ANSWER 2013-2014, Enquête nationale sur les comportements face au VIH/IST parmi les migrants originaires d'Afrique subsaharienne en Suisse. 2013 11.09.2018 11.09.2018
Switzerland SWAN : Sex Workers ANswers, Les comportements face au VIH et autres IST des travailleuses et travailleurs du sexe en Suisse. Enquête SWAN 2016. 2015 29.08.2018 29.08.2018
Switzerland Gaysurvey 2007, Les comportements face au VIH/sida des hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes: résultats de Gaysurvey 2007 2008 29.08.2018 29.08.2018
Switzerland Gaysurvey 2009, Les comportements face au VIH/sida des hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes: résultats de Gaysurvey 2009 2009 29.08.2018 29.08.2018
Switzerland Gaysurvey 2012, Les comportements face au VIH/sida des hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes: enquête Gaysurvey 2012. 2012 29.08.2018 29.08.2018
Switzerland, Italy, United Kingdom, Croatia GWAS summary statistics associated to the article "Genome-wide meta-analysis unravels novel interactions between magnesium homeostasis and metabolic phenotypes", published in JASN, 2017 2012 12.07.2017 12.07.2017
Switzerland Effects of the 2015 « Break the chains » campaign on the gay community and on the MSM individuals - Post-campaign survey" 2015 07.07.2017 07.07.2017
Switzerland Gaysurvey 2014, Enquête nationale sur les comportements et les attitudes face au VIH et aux autres infections sexuellement transmissibles des hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes 2014 24.10.2016 24.10.2016
Switzerland Randomized controlled trial of an internet-based brief intervention targeting alcohol use: Primary and secondary prevention for young men in a general population sample 2012 21.10.2015 09.04.2020
Showing 1-46 of 46