Unisanté Data repository

An Online Microdata Catalog

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The healthcare professionals (HCPs) part of the Swiss COhort of Healthcare Professionals and Informal CAregivers (SCOHPICA) aims to explore the trajectories and experiences of HCPs in Switzerland, with a focus on identifying factors influencing their well-being and intent to stay in the profession. This cohort, which includes a wide range of HCPs practicing in various health sectors, employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating both quantitative and qualitative data collected using annual online surveys, life calendars, and focus group discussions. First recruitment took place between October 2022 and January 2023. Each following fall, both the follow-up of the included participants and a new recruitment are implemented. By following healthcare professionals over time and identifying factors contributing to their long-term involvement or withdrawal, SCOHPICA will make practical recommendations to enhance the health and sustainability of the healthcare workforce.
A pragmatic digital health project to improve quality of care and antibiotic stewardship in primary care level health facilities in Tanzania for the management of sick children less than 15 years of age. The data provided here are from the first open-label parellel group pragmatic cluster randomized trial in 40 health facilities in Tanzania to evaluate the impact of a digital clinical decision support algorithm compared to usual care on antibiotic prescribing and clinical outcome among children with an acute illness presenting to primary care health facilities.
The SCAPE-CH study collected patient-reported experiences of cancer care (PREMs), which are essential for assessing the quality of health services and determining whether the health system is meeting the needs of patients (responsive care). Of the 16,963 patients invited to participate in the survey among the 21 participating cancer centers in October 2023, 7,844 completed and returned the questionnaire (46% participation rate). The results indicate a high overall level of satisfaction with the care received. Key strengths include diagnostic examinations, inpatient hospital care, and information provided about treatment options and treatments received. However, the findings also highlight areas for improvement in several key domains: support and involvement of carers, information and support regarding long-term side effects, and post-treatment support. Additionally, communication about financial assistance and social resources could be improved to better meet patients’ needs.
This project examines clinical skill gaps among healthcare workers in Rwandan primary care settings using data from a digital Clinical Decision Support Algorithm (CDSA) for pediatric care. Analyzing 20,204 consultations across 16 health centers, we identified patterns of measurement omissions and inaccuracies, leading us to observe 188 consultations and conduct interviews to understand causes. Key gaps in basic and complex measurements were found, highlighting the need for targeted training to improve CDSA data quality and enhance patient care. This research informs strategies for effective CDSA use in low-resource settings.

How to request data

Datasets are available under various modalities.

  • Anonymous data are available in Open Access under a Creative Common licence.
  • Coded, pseudonymized and deidentified data are available under restricted access. Most of them are regulated by the Human Research Act (HRA), therefore an approval of your project must be submitted to your cantonal ethics committee before requesting the data (HRO, chap. 3). Details are available on the study webpage.

To get access to data, the following procedure must be followed:

  • Create an account (LoginRegister)
  • Go to the Data Catalog and click on the study of interest
  • Once on the study page, click on the tab Data access
  • For open access datasets : accept the conditions and download the data
  • For restricted datasets : fill in the application form and submit.
Important: Before submitting a request, please check whether the data is at all useful for your project. The codebooks with the corresponding information are filed under Documentation and do not require registration.